Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Week Three

I'm trying to get these out sooner =) I'm also going to do someone new i'll add a poll to the left side bar, to get threw the summer with out any Survivor I want to do old season recaps so the poll will ask what season I should do and I'll go from there and I think if something I really love i.e. Survivor was more attached to the blog they might come out more regularly and on time. But in other news here we go,

Week Three

Paula Poundstone

Paula Poundstone is a comedian that often appears on the one news podcast I listen to "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" "The NPR News Quiz Show" and as far as I'm concerned she is the funniest person that they have on there. Now because its public radio theirs not really a lot of swearing but I don't really know about her other stuff so maybe check her out before buy a CD and listening to her in front of the kids or parents. Really what I'm trying to get at is Wait Wait Don't Tell Me is funny

First Comment!!!
On Tuesday Blogger notified that I had a comment that I needed to read before it could be published and is read as such
it's just lisa said...

hey ty guy! i love survivor!! but i always watch it online a day or two... or three after it shows on tv. so after i watch it i will be coming here to see what you think of the show!!

ps butt has two t's :) lol

Well thanks Lisa and may I just ask why you aren't you my fifth follower=)
and to all of you out there that is also my only comment so get on the ball and comment also I know about you German, Malaysian, and Israel listeners and may I just say how cool it is to have you reading.

End of an Era (More Like Rein of Terror)

Wednesday was either L banquette or the candle light ceremony at Logan High and Missy being a senor attended. Missy and I rarely see one and other with her having to put it lightly a hectic schedule. When we do see one and other to put it lightly it's hectic. There can be hitting, name calling, and a lack of patience and that just when one of us says Hi" to the other. The fact is still that (insert cliche here) We love each other no matter what.

Yearbook Signing

First off may I say that this school year has been a craptasticly fantastic year. I met two more teachers that like survivor and this time I like both of them(don't get me started of last years survivor watching social reject of teacher)(wow that was really rude and funny all at the same time (= ) But best of all I get an old friend back. Kat and I have not always been good friends or really friends very much. This year is great because we are again. Yearbook signing day always has been a day to finally realize that the year was over. The day started off with dad taking me to school since I forgot to get a ride since Missy had graduation practice that morning. I got there just before classes were let out so I got the stamp from the financial Secretary that i didn't have any more fees and I was the forth person to get there year book witch is awesome because four is my lucky number. I went through the day getting friends and teachers signatures and laughing when I had someone sign that we were always friends and knowing that I had just put in there own that it was nice of them to be my friend on our scout trips(Wow I must be on one, that is kinda mean too)

Schools Over?!?!?
Simple Enough SCHOOLS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The best part of it all I slept in oh the beauty of it all.

Happy Birthday Chuck, Madvana, and Savason!!! (Now its not even De Javu it's just normal)
Also The Farmers Market.

So technically Friday was Chuck birthday but it seemed simpler to push the two birthdays together. But on Friday Kristi had a campfire cook out in there back yard for his birthday and it was a lot of fun. Especially when mom and I made the three Homer family salads in under two hours. :) And for you friends that read the blog Madvana and Savason are not real names but the mash up name I use for Jenny's twins Savanna and Madison. They turned one on Saturday and I never got to see them on there birthday but they're so much that they get to be in here too anyway. And now the farmers market is awesome I love the food, the crazy lady who puts the yarn octopus on your shoulder when your not looking. Its all great fun except for the weather if someone could work on that, that would be gr8. =).

She's Gone :) Oh She's gone :(

I know what your thinking "Wow a member of your family must of died or something and he was happy at first, that's just sick." Well you would be wrong my friends Missy has moved out and now lives with Kristi. The bright spot in it all is I have her gigantic room now.:)

1 comment:

  1. Missy being gone seems to be pretty bitter-sweet, but congrats on getting her room!
    And yes, SCHOOL IS OVER!!! I am so happy :)
