Saturday, May 21, 2011

Week One


What's up Ponies
As of late I have become obsessed with podcast. For those of you that don't know what a podcast is, it's a couple of friends or an individual that talk about anything from the news, events, movies, TV. I mostly listen to TV and movie ones but I do listen to one news one. One of my favorites is "Girls Night In Radio". It's mostly a movie review podcast every month I think. All the other shows that they do are just funny with very little structure. The podcast is hosted by Maggie, Rachel, and last but not least Jamie. Jamie has a little girl named Aly or Ally or Alie or maybe Allie I really don't know but the best part of  Aly or Ally or Alie or maybe Allie is she loves commenting as well. She says things like "you said a bad word" and she just says it the way only a 4 year old can. The best thing she does is go and talks to her mom during the show and she's talking to Maggie and Rachel and says "what's up ponies" in just the best most cute little girl way. It really just makes me happy every time she says it.


How Long Does it Take to do Your Hair
and Shake Your Butt
My first hour is Spanish and anyone that knows anything about my schools Spanish program knows about the Brimhall brother. They are brothers and they both teach Spanish, there methods go like this starts that take to long and nobody likes, and gos to games. The important thing to know about there games is that you can not say numbers in English. If you do you lose all of your teams points. That morning the ever annoying Omar who had already lost 5 of our points was talking, THAT IS NEVER GOOD. He was talking to a girl across the room and was being dumb Omar but the following conversation took place. 
Omar: Hey Girl with weird hair how long does it take to do you hair in the morning (I'm paraphrasing)
Girl: Like 5 mins OH Sh...(she did no ...)
Brimhall: Puntos emulinados (translates to points eliminated)
This was great its always funny when people walk ring into number but she swore on accident which shouldn't be funny but it is.
Later that class me and my friend went on a winning streak when ever she was up drawing something I got for our team the best part of it all is that when ever we do something cool we act like nerds and dance in our seats, but today we were so good we deserved a new move and out of nowhere I said shake your butt and our new move was born. You all that are reading this try this right now while you are sitting down in your seat shake your butt it is so fun and funny.


And Run
Let me just say I wasn't having a good day I woke up late every day that week and had just had a talk about grades. I'm the kind of person whose mood can be influenced by music and sometimes this one helps
Hope you enjoy.

My favorite part of this song is
Gotta grow up be someone, Draw a map, find a path, take a breath, and run.


Lee's Lee's Lee's Lee's Lee's Market Place
On Friday mom and I were shopping for the father and sons outing at Lee's Market Place and all I can say is Lee's Market Place has there own customized version of Lady Gaga "Poker Face". I cant find any links to it but those who live near one just wonder around for a while and maybe you'll be so lucky.


Happy Birthday Brooke Lynn 
Brooke is nine, oh my gosh shes nine. I can't believe it. And may I say that other than my own mother jenny maybe the best mom ever. She did a full on pirate theme. With scull and crossbones cake, ice cream, and bottled soda all in treasure chest. After all that presents and everything us kids all went and played tag and a weird but fun game of hide and go seek. All in all so much fun, I love you Brooke.


World's Best Blondies 

First off may I just say GO BOSTON ROB!!!! Sunday was the survivor finale I really would have loved for Andrea to go farther but still love Boston Rob. Earlier that day I was inviting people and making food and I decided to make blondies a brown sugar version of brownies. I've made them before but these were the best that I have ever made and my friend Emily was the only person that showed up to watch, and since she's blond that makes those the two best blondies ever.

I am loving my blog and can't wait to do more sorry I'm so behind I just have a lot going on and hope to stay more on schedule nest week. 

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